CARES Act Student Emergency Aid Application

CARES Act funding covered expenses related to the disruption of normal institution operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CARES Act Expansion: CRRSAA

As an expansion of the CARES Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), 2021, was signed into law on Dec. 27, 2020. UWF received additional CRRSAA funds to offer financial aid grants to students. Unlike CARES, CRRSAA guidance required institutions to prioritize students with exceptional need. UWF is committed to providing support for students with the most significant financial needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. This page specifically to previous CARES funding. For information about CRRSAA, visit our CRRSAA page.

Initial Funds Expended

Initial UWF CARES Act Emergency Grant funds have been expended. Students were considered by means of an application submission or inquiry through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships with supporting documentation or were selected based on institutional eligibility criteria. Students selected by UWF accepted their award via MyUWF in order to self-certify that they met the eligibility criteria as defined by the Department of Education.

Eligibility Criteria:

Application Process:

CARES Act Student Emergency Grant Applications were accepted via the UWF Scholarship Portal through May 19, 2020. When funds remained after the initial application period closed May 20, 2020, subsequent application inquiries were made by contacting the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at

Students were required to provide documentation with the application (e.g., unemployment documentation, letter/documentation from employer, lease if for rent, invoice for health care or child care, etc.). Students were notified via UWF email of approval or denial of their application within 10 business days of submission.

Award Amounts and Disbursement:

Award Amounts
NeedDependent Student / Independent Student (1)Independent Student (2+)
Housing up to $700 up to $900
Food up to $200 up to $300
Tech / Materials up to $350 up to $350
Child Care* $0 up to $500
Health Care up to $200 up to $200

*Student must have dependent child on FAFSA or provide documentation of dependents.

Department of Education CARES Report

While ED develops a process for institutions to directly provide the required reporting data, it has in the meantime called for institutions to make easily accessible to the public — via the institution's website — the following items: