Before you make any taxable sales in Minnesota, you must register for a Minnesota Tax ID Number and a Sales and Use Tax account.
If you need a Minnesota Tax ID Number, you can apply:
Online – Go to Business Tax Registration By phone – Call 651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605 (toll-free)When you register for a Minnesota ID Number, you may also register for a Sales and Use Tax account. You will need the following information:
Expected filing schedule (monthly, quarterly, or annual). See Filing Information. Accounting method (cash or accrual) Any local or special local taxes that may apply to your business. See Taxes and Rates.When you register for a Sales and Use Tax account, you agree to collect sales tax and remit it to the state. If you do not remit all sales tax collected, you may be subject to penalties and interest.
If you have a past due sales tax liability, you are not eligible to open a new Sales Tax account until the past due tax is paid. For more information, contact the Collection Division .
If you have a Minnesota ID number, you can update your business information using our e-Services system. For some changes, you will need to contact Business Registration.
If you have more than one location, you may file one consolidated return for all locations. For examples, see the table below.
To set up consolidated filing, call Business Registration at 651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605 (toll-free).
We can cancel or revoke your sales tax account if you do not comply with sales and use tax laws.
If we cancel or revoke your sales tax account, you cannot make any retail sales or provide taxable services. If you do, you may be charged with a felony and a $100 per day civil fine.
We can disclose the following information identifying the permit holder of the revoked or canceled permit:
We may reinstate your sales tax account if you become current in filing and paying your sales tax returns and pay a security deposit.
We may revoke your business license if you are an officer and owe at least $500.