“Can I get out of my listing agreement?”

Legal Hotline Spotlight

*Please note: Any questions regarding Legal Hotline Spotlights should be submitted via the Virginia REALTORS ® Legal Hotline. Our attorneys are unable to respond to questions through our comments section.

Q: I am a broker who represents a seller. The seller and I disagree over numerous issues. Can I unilaterally terminate the listing agreement?

A: It d epends. If the seller has defaulted or breached the terms of the listing agreement, then you might have a legal right to terminate. If you are not sure if the seller has breached the agreement, you may want to consult an attorney to discuss any liability that may arise from attempting to end the agreement. If the parties agree to part ways, a mutual release will end the agreement and insulate both parties from liability.

What is the Legal Hotline?

The Legal Hotline is a member benefit that has been supporting members for over 25 years. Our team of lawyers answers your important questions about real estate transactions quickly and accurately (usually within three business hours!).

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