California Marijuana Distribution License

Interested in starting a Cannabis business in California?

Does California Require a License to Distribute Marijuana and Marijuana Products?

A California marijuana distributor licensee can distribute only cannabis goods, cannabis accessories, and licensees' branded merchandise or promotional materials. California defines cannabis goods to mean cannabis, including dried flower, and products containing cannabis. The distribution license also permits the holders to carry out storage services. Per the storage services offered:

Note that a licensed distributor is not permitted to store live plants, except for seeds, on the licensed premises.

Licensed distributors are also permitted to package, re-package, label, and re-label cannabis, including pre-rolls, for retail sale. California requires that cannabis packaging, including pre-rolls, must comply with the requirements under Section 15303 of the Department of Cannabis Control Regulations.

Does California Offer Transport-Only Distributor License?

Yes. California offers a transport-only distributor license which restricts licensees to moving cannabis and cannabis products between cultivation, manufacturing, or distribution premises. Transport-only distributor licenses cannot perform any other functions of a distributor, including testing, packaging, or labeling. A transport-only distribution license in California is also referred to as a Type 13 license.

A cannabis transport-only distribution license does not permit the transportation of cannabis goods to a licensed retailer. However, they can transport immature live plants and seeds from a licensed nursery.

Who Can Distribute Marijuana in California?

According to Section 15005 of the Department of Cannabis Control Regulations, the following persons cannot hold a cannabis distributor license in California:

In California, no one under the age of 21 may legally own a cannabis distributor license. Additionally, the state prohibits licensees from hiring or retaining anyone under the age of 21.

How to Get Marijuana Distribution License in California

Cannabis distributor license applicants must first obtain approval from the local municipalities in which the prospective business will be situated before submitting an application to the State of California. You will require authorization from cities and counties to conduct business in the area and verification that your cannabis establishment complies with zoning restrictions and building codes.

Additionally, some towns and counties have adopted legislation establishing social equity programs to help applicants who may have been negatively impacted by the War on Drugs. Direct financial aid, expedited application processing, and support with managing cannabis distribution operations are available to individuals in these categories. Equity ordinances enacted by local governments in California include the following:

You can contact your county or city government to learn about any equity programs available to cannabis distribution license applicants. In California, the proposed premises of a cannabis distribution establishment must not be located within a 600-foot of a school providing instruction in kindergarten or any grades 1 through 12, a daycare center, or a youth center. Otherwise, the applicant must provide evidence that the local jurisdiction has approved a different radius that has been adhered to.

Per the Department of Cannabis Control Regulations, an application for a cannabis distributor license must be completed by an owner as defined by the DCC. An owner is a person with an aggregate ownership interest in the cannabis business of 20% or more, unless the interest is solely a security, encumbrance, or lien. An owner includes: