Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Neighborhood in spring

The City wants to hear from the community and this page on Sumner Connects will contain all the important dates for meetings, public comment opportunities and relevant documents. You can also stay informed and engaged through:

Reminder: All comment periods will have opening and closing dates, so you’ll want to check for updates right here on Sumner Connects.

Sumner’s Comprehensive Plan lays out the community’s vision for how we will live, work, get around, and grow over the next 20 years. The Plan contains goals, policies and maps that identify environmental, social, and economic priorities for the future. The various chapters address land use, housing, transportation, and capital facilities. State law only allows the comprehensive plan to be amended once a year with major updates coming every 10 years. This year the City is opening the Plan for community discussion and potential revisions. These revisions may also include changes to the the city's zoning. Zoning within the City controls where commercial, housing, and industry can be located. A major aspect of this year’s amendments is to update the East Sumner Neighborhood Plan, generally the area within a few blocks of the YMCA.

March-April 2021 update