Develop fluency in finding the surface area of a rectangular prism, a 3-dimensional shape with six faces. At the heart of figuring out the surface area of a rectangular prism is knowing how much exposed area it has. Supplied with a plethora of exercises, this collection of printable worksheets hammers home the concept of finding the surface area involving integers, decimals, fractions, and much more. Making each section twice as worthwhile are problems presented in word format. As always, a few worksheets in this versatile resource can be downloaded cost-free.
Select the Measurement Units U.S. Customary Units Metric UnitsTalk students in 6th grade into repeatedly practicing these surface area of a rectangular prism handouts involving integers less than or equal to 20, so they grasp the concept beyond doubt. Apply the formula SA = 2(wl + hl + hw) and solve the word problems and exercises featuring rectangular prisms.
Switch practice from easy to moderate with this collection of surface area of rectangular prisms featuring integers. Rendering the dimensions of the figures in 2-digit integers, these pdf worksheets help students make tremendous progress in their surface area topic.
Keep the learners engaged and allow them thorough mastery of the concept of finding the surface area of rectangular prisms with these printable resources. Aligned to Common Core and beyond, this set has the length, width, and height of the prism denoted in decimals.
Provide the young maestros with a good grasp of the basic concept of surface area of rectangular prisms with these tasks structured in three different formats. Substitute the fractional side lengths in the formula and compute the surface area. Here's progress guaranteed.
Let 7th grade and 8th grade students direct their energy and intention practice pdfs for impeccable skills in measuring surface area of a rectangular prism and converting between different units of measurement. Keenly observe the unit of each dimension and convert it to the unit specified.
The unknown value of each rectangular prism is denoted by x. Plug in the known values in the SA formula and deduce the value of x. Each worksheet includes two word problems.
Give your students a head start with this surface area by counting unit squares practice set! A string of closely knit exercises, this resource includes topics like counting squares, drawing rectangular prism for the given set of dimensions, and more.
Let your up-and-coming math scholars renew their confidence and enrich their practice with this set of pdfs on finding the surface area of a cube. Put their skills to test with questions on surface area featuring integers, decimals and fractions, and a lot more.
Barrel toward proficiency in the topic of surface area with this batch of printable worksheets featuring non-overlapping rectangular prisms. Prepare 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade students to surprise you with stellar scores and stand tall among their peers.